April 12, 2024
April 24 SAU Members Newsletter
Here's our April newsletter and we hope you are enjoying the more Spring like weather.
You should have received notification of this year's membership renewal and we are pleased to say that the new membership packs are currently being prepared, and will be sent out during the month of April.
These will contain your new membership card, updates from our Executive Committee, news about our Learning Programme and Campaigns, as well as information about how you can get more involved in your union.
NB You can access you insurance documents for 2024/25 direct from our website HERE
Each pack also contains one of our fabulous exclusive new SAU 'Fridge magnets'. We would love to see where these end up so please send us photos of your magnet in situ and we will share these on our socials. Send your 'fridge pics' to us at [email protected] THANKS!
Recommended Rates of Pay
One Shared Owner: how artists work together
Part 1: Wednesday 1 May, 7 - 8.30pm, Online via Zoom
Artists talking about governance models with Briana Pegado and Embassy
Part 2: Wednesday 8 May, 7 - 9pm, Online via Zoom
Artists working collaboratively online
More info on our website: https://www.artistsunion.scot/one_shared_owner_2024
One Shared Owner is funded by Creative Scotland.
Negotiation Training with Francis Shennan and Joshua Becker online on Wednesday 24th April, 3-5pm
Artists and workers in the cultural sector are routinely required to negotiate on their own behalf, whether it’s in the context of an individual project, longer term collaborations or even in full or part-time employments.
This training will draw on the combined experience of negotiation specialists Francis Shennan and Joshua Becker, introducing participants to the fundamentals of negotiation theory, the challenges of negotiating on your own behalf as a freelancers and the advantages of negotiating as a union member.
Practical Support for Members 1-to-1s (Free Advice Sessions).
Do you have questions about calculating what to charge for a project with our rates of pay, need help completing a contract template or advice on artist's insurance?
We are hosting monthly 1-to-1online sessions, with Scottish Artists Union staff to help our members with practical support. These are now taking place on the first Tuesday of every month, with next month's sessions taking place on Tuesday 7th May 2024 from 11-12 noon. You can select a 20 minute slot hosted via Zoom, if demand is high we will add more slots so do add your name to the waiting list.
Next Climate & Sustainability Sub Group meeting
The next meeting of our C&S Sub Group will take place on Tuesday 30th April 5-6pm on zoom. If climate change is an issue you are interested in this is the meeting for you! All members are welcome to come along. Email us at [email protected] to receive the Zoom link.
This session is an opportunity to showcase relevant projects to the group. If you have a project that you would like to share with other interested SAU members then please get in touch at [email protected]
NICC visit
We had a visit from Anyuta Snauwaert from NICC, based in Brussels. (Here's an image of her in the SAU Office.) We have since attended a meeting held online linking other campaigning arts organisations from all over Europe including Italy, Norway, France, Holland and Belgium amongst others. We are looking forward to joint campaigning around artists rights in the future.
NICC is an artist-run, non-profit organisation, creating space for interaction between visual artists, institutions and society. NICC operates with specific attention to the socio-economic position of visual artists, and does so within local, regional and international registers.
The core activity of NICC is to promote and critique knowledge about the development of the artistic practice and the framework within which this takes place, and to feed the debate around it. NICC functions as the first contact and representative of visual artists and strives for a strong social framework that enables visual artists to develop their artistic practice professionally and autonomously.
Applied Arts Scotland Research and Roundtable Discussion
Last year, with research team colleagues Katia Stewart, Carol Sinclair and Claire Arnott, undertook research into the resilience of the craft sector in Europe, for a Study commissioned by the World Crafts Council Europe's (WCCE) CRAFTING Project. If you supported them with their research (amplifying our survey, joining an interview / focus group), many thanks!
You can download the full Study for download, and you can join WCCE and the research team at the the online roundtable discussion 'Resilience of the Craft Sector in Europe' on Monday 15 April 2024. Please see the details below.
World Crafts Council Europe presents an online roundtable
Mon, 15 April at 12.30 CET / 11.30 GMT
Click on this link for more information
NUJ Edinburgh branch is hosting a meeting on the subject of AI (Artificial Intelligence).
The meeting will feature a discussion with Nicola Solomon (Bio below) who is chair of the Creators' Rights Alliance.
You are all welcome to attend the online meeting..
Topic: Artificial intelligence and copyright
Time: Apr 15, 2024 04:30 PM London
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 863 6173 4148
Passcode: 006804
Nicola Solomon: Society of Authors As Chief Executive of the SOA, Nicola’s role encompasses protecting authors' interests in negotiations/disputes with publishers and agents, advising individual authors and campaigning. Nicola is an expert in the publishing industry and the associated law, from copyright and defamation, to privacy, data protection and contract. She is also a Deputy District Judge and sits on the board of the International Authors’ Forum and the British Copyright Council.
Artists Supporting Palestine is a new artist-led and Instagram-based initiative launched on March 14th to raise funds for Medical Aid for Palestinians (MAP). The initiative was created in response to the terrible suffering, hunger and malnutrition being experienced by the people of Gaza as a result of the most recent and ongoing Israeli military campaign and siege. The aims of the initiative are to raise as much money as possible for MAP but also to provide a way for artists and collectors to demonstrate their practical solidarity with the Palestinian people and to build a community of artist activists at a time when artists and the wider community can feel powerless. It also provides a clear statement that while many high profile artists and arts institutions remain silent, in the face of what the International Court of Justice has deemed to be a plausible case of genocide, there is a mass of artists and collectors who are prepared to speak up and show that they stand with Palestine. At the time of writing, over 30,000 people have been killed in Gaza, including over 9,000 women and over 13,000 children. Among those who survive, 70,000 people have been injured, and at least "17,000 children in Gaza were unaccompanied or had been separated from their families."
Membership Information Area
Insurance Documents
One of the many benefits of being a member of the Scottish Artists Union is the free Public & Product Liability and Professional Indemnity Insurance cover. This is brokered through Hencilla Canworth and provided by Covea Insurance plc and renews annually inline with your membership.More information, along with downloadable insurance documents can be found below:
We also have a list of FAQs, which may answer any questions you have on what the insurance covers and doesn't cover.
If you have any issues logging into Members Resources it may mean that you originally signed up with a different email address and haven't updated your details. Please contact: [email protected] if any issues persist.
Merch!! Support Your Union!!
Also don't forget that we have a growing range of SAU merchandise in the form of T-shirts and Totebags available to purchase from our online shop. These make great presents, while helping to promote our union, and all proceeds help us to support artists and makers in Scotland.
Members Discounts
Have you checked out our list of Members Discounts? As well as the free Insurance and legal advice that comes with your membership, you can benefit from big savings on art and materials supplies and various other relevant services. N.B. You will need to log in to the website to access these.
Also: The Edinburgh International Festival have informed us that SAU members qualify for a 30% discount on tickets for Art Workers at this years EIF. Go to their website for more information. Tickets are subject to availability.
Show your solidarity with fellow artists by using our "I'm a Member Sticker".
N.B. You will need to log in to the website to access these.
Have you tried using our 'Fair Work Contract Templates'?
Our 3 FWC Templates can be used for creating or checking contracts for Exhibitions & Projects; Sales & Commissions; Workshops & Events; and are available for our members to download from the Resources section of the website HERE.
Brexit information for creatives working in the Arts in Europe http://ukeartswork.info
Please help us promote the activities of the union on social media by following and sharing posts.
@SCOArtistsUnion | FB: ScottishArtistsUnion | Instagram: artistsunion.scot
Support Your Union!! Together We Are Stronger!!
We are here to help. We are a small team of part time workers, all artists and creatives, and a voluntary executive, currently email is the best way to get in touch.
Keep on Keeping on!!
Yours in Solidarity,
Everyone at Scottish Artists Union