Tim Collins

Treasurer - Acting

Tim is an artist in the Collins + Goto Studio, working at GSS in the Whiskey bond, Glasgow.  He is currently a Visiting Research Fellow at Bath Spa University; and an international associate of the RMIT Arts and Ecologies Research Network (AEGIS), in Melbourne Australia. Tim is also a board member of the Hamiltonhill Claypits Local Nature Reserve, in North Glasgow.  Interests include aesthetic and ethical ideas about our changing environment with a focus on how art shifts values in relationship to new ideas and experiences. Current work includes HAKOTO two new sculptural body instruments, that extend work on Plein Air (2010-2020) and move into a space of interdisciplinary public performance, opening up new empathic and aesthetic experiences with trees.  HAKOTO means leaf words, - leaf saying, - leaf things, - leaf incidents, - leaf songs

I joined the SAU in 2012. I asked to join the executive in 2023 while reading, writing and thinking about what it means to be an environmental artworker in the 21st Century.

[email protected]

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