Weekly Members' Meet
Join us online on every Wednesday 10-11am for discussion, support and solidarity!
There is a stress and grief level over what is happening in our society right now, our personal lives and working lives are under immense pressure. COVID-19 has fundamentally changed major aspects of life as we know it and we need to find comfort, interaction with peers, understanding, and unity more than ever. We feel a regular meeting space is necessary given the affect on our workforce as a result of this crisis.
Every Wednesday, we will be hosting an online meeting to provide information and reassurance to help you feel supported and focused throughout this time. For this first meeting on Wednesday 6 May, we will be joined by Amanda Catto, Head of Visual Arts at Creative Scotland. We have invited Amanda to join our meeting to listen to member concerns and to give more information on changes to the Open Fund.
For more information and how to join this next meeting, see our most recent members' newsletter for the Zoom link and password or contact Lauren on [email protected].