Talk To Thompsons

Talk To Thompsons


What the Coronavirus outbreak means for Thompsons


Thompsons Solicitors provide free and discounted legal services to our members, they have set up systems to ensure you can contact them for help and advice.

Here at Thompsons we want to reassure all our clients that it is business as usual as we come to understand more what the Coronavirus outbreak means for us as a firm.   Following Government guidelines, we have taken the appropriate steps to protect our clients, our staff and of course our NHS.  As such, we have made the decision to close our offices across Scotland and all of our staff are now working from home.

Over the past week we have made significant investment in new technologies to make it easier for our team to continue working on our existing and new cases. This includes providing staff with laptops linked to our internal systems to access case information quickly and securely so that there will be no change to the service we provide. We are progressing well with existing cases, continuing to take these to settlement and as always, supporting our clients when they need us the most.

We are successfully holding meetings with clients over the phone and via video call to keep you updated on the progress of your case and answer any concerns and queries you might have during what is an uncertain time. The teams handling your case remain contactable via email and their direct dial numbers (which can be found here if you do not already have them). Please do not hesitate to talk to us about anything during this time.

Our contact centre remains open 9am to 7pm for all queries and can be contacted on the usual number or e-mail [email protected] 

Talk to Thompsons on 08000 810 068

Everyone is having to make changes to their working practices, and we would ask that you remain patient with us as we adapt to this new way of operating. We are not alone in implementing change, the courts are also having to introduce new ways of operating in order to comply with social distancing. Whilst this too may seem unsettling, they too are introducing new technologies to enable remote hearings, conscious of existing timelines in cases. Should any case be affected by this, we will contact you to keep you informed. However, should you have any concerns, please contact your solicitor directly.

We know many people have been affected by COVID-19 in ways they may never have expected and are facing weeks of uncertainty. At Thompsons we are continuing to serve our clients, new and old, with the same dedication, knowledge and strength we have always done, albeit in a new definition of normal. We would encourage anyone with queries and concerns to Talk to Thompsons for advice and guidance in what are worrying times and unusual situations.

Useful links:

Who we are – The Team page

COVID-19 – What do I do if I’ve already been made redundant?

COVID -19 – What protections do I have if refuse to attend work?

80% Wage Guarantee: What do we know? What do we not know

COVID-19 Pandemic – Your Employment Rights

Covid 19 - Tips for Protecting your Mental Health whilst Working from Home

Further info on the Legal Services offered to our members click here

For more from Thompsons click here 




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