August 03, 2018

Add your voice to the many union members who have already completed this year's survey.
Since 2012, the Scottish Artists Union has been surveying the experiences of artists working in Scotland. We would like to thank you for your continued engagement with the survey over the past six years. This has allowed us to gain an accurate reflection of the lives of artists in Scotland, and also map trends and changes over this period. Our survey has become one of the most important reports of artists living and working in Scotland today, and is referenced by many arts organisations, media outlets and policy makers. This gives us an invaluable opportunity to have our voices heard.
"I feel Unions are an important part of our democratic process, especially when representing groups of people that are otherwise under represented. Strength in numbers gives me a voice far greater than that of my own voice."
Why have I been sent this survey and how long will it take to complete?
The survey is sent to all union members and takes around 15 minutes to complete.
How will it benefit me?
The findings will help to focus support where it is most needed to ensure a resilient and diverse visual arts sector. Your feedback enables us to offer direct support and ensures our influencing activities are underpinned by the latest statistics as well as indicating where further research may be needed.
By taking part you will also have the chance to enter our prize draw and the lucky winner will receive two year's free union membership (worth £120.00). The winner will be selected at random from the list of current members who have completed the survey.
Please note that the deadline for completion is
midnight Sunday 12th August 2018.
If you have any questions please contact Gordon Dickson, our Finance & Projects Manager on [email protected] or on 0141-559-4999.
Add your voice to our survey today!
Yours in solidarity,
Scottish Artists Union
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