October 13, 2020

Here are the motions that were passed at this year's AGM.
Motion 1:
This Union notes that the lack of thorough provision for self-employed workers from the current UK government during the current Covid 19 pandemic, has highlighted the shortcomings and the gaps in the current welfare system. This crisis has hit the cultural sector particularly hard and we fear that the current situation is not sustainable. Over 80% of the membership of SAU are self-employed and through our recent survey we have found that 53% of artists surveyed were not in receipt of government support, leaving them in dire financial situations with many relying on financial support from family, friends, or their savings.
This Union believes that the introduction of a Universal Basic Income for all citizens, will particularly benefit creativity, and help to make the careers of artists more sustainable, and that it will make life more bearable for artists and their families.
This Union resolves to campaign for UBI at all levels of government, locally and nationally in order to achieve an overhaul of the current benefits system and a reassessment of the way the state funds the arts, and artists.
(For further information about the case for UBI please see our recent information page on this website at UBI information)
Motion 2:
This Union notes the crucial and important role that the President plays as a figurehead of the Union, campaigning and advocating on behalf of members, as well as the structural importance they play within the organisation supporting staff, executive and members.
This Union believes that to ensure the sustainability and growth of this important role it must move from a voluntary to a paid position.
This Union resolves to put in place the necessary changes to the constitution to enable this role to be paid, and to put in place the infrastructure and due process whereby the president is voted in, in a manner that is transparent and robust, serving the needs of the organisation and its membership at all points.
Motion 3:
This union notes that the membership criteria is outdated and does not completely align with the current status of the visual arts sector, craft and applied arts sector in Scotland.
This union believes that there is a need to update the membership criteria, in order to include many more working artists and applied artists, and also workers in visual arts and craft sector organizations that do not fit the current membership criteria.
This union resolves to bring together a working group that will consult with the members, and will draft a new and more inclusive membership criteria, so that a greater number of working artists, applied artists and workers in the visual arts and crafts sector in Scotland can become SAU members and benefit from trade union representation.
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