Learning Events in October!

Learning Events in October!


This October the SAU's learning programme contains FREE workshops, walks and talks in person from Ullapool to Ayr including a series of events, developed in collaboration with Scottish Union Learning and EIS, and lead by members in the Highlands to celebrate Black History Month.


Learning in Solidarity with Diverse Workers in the Highlands and Islands

This programme is developed in collaboration with Scottish Union Learning and EIS. During October we have discussions, walks, collaborative action and artistic activities to co-inside with Black History Month. 

This special programme will link the West and East coasts of the Scottish Highlands and aims to encourage the expression of voices from People of Colour within rural communities in Highlands and Islands as part of a collective exploration of contemporary experience for collective action around Fair Work as we face future challenges together.

You can book specific sessions or the whole day!

United Voices

Sunday 9 October, 10am - 5pm, Ullapool & Isle Martin

10 - 2pm, Creative Walk & Talk on Isle Martin. Artists Fadzai Mwakutuya and Julia Barton will lead a creative session and there will be a walk with archaeologist Cathy Dagg providing insights to the island’s historic herring industry and links to the Caribbean.

2 - 3pm, Lunch at the Ceilidh Place

3 - 5pm, In Conversation at the Ceilidh Place. Highland based artist Fadzai Mwakutuya (Afro Art Lab) will be in conversation with Francesca Sobande and layla-roxanne hill – as they reflect on how notions of nationhood, Scottishness, and Britishness are implicated in Black Scottish history. Followed by a book launch of Black Oot Here: Black Lives in Scotland by Francesca and layla-roxanne.

Registration Form


Facing Our History

Sunday 16 October, 11:30am - 5pm, Cromarty

11:30am - 12:30pm, Guided Walk with author David Alston and Nicole Bontemps will start at Cromarty Harbour. David will lead a walk and share stories which will provide insight into Women of Colour as well providing some information about Cromarty's long-standing connections with Guyana. Nicole moved to the Black Isle 3 years ago from LA and brings a fresh curiosity and international perspective, to a subject close to her heart. 

1 - 2pm, Cornbread + Conversationwith Nicole Bontemps before the film screening. Like any foodstuff of the African Diaspora, cornbread has a history that can be complicated and painful to unravel. 

3 - 5pm, Film Screening of Harriet at Cromarty Cinema. A film screening of HARRIET (2019) directed by Kasi Lemmons will be introduced by cinema volunteer/independent curator Susan Christie. This is one of a series of films which is being toured by the Black Artists Collective/Reel Roots with support from Film Hub Scotland. Book your place directly with the Cromarty Cinema here.

Registration Form


Art, Work & Power

Saturday 22 October, 11am - 5pm, Narture in Ayr

The second 1-day intensive course, in this new series, on the conditions art is made under, the politics of work and the forms of power that shape this reality. Using a radical and liberatory educational model, participants will use their own experience and (embodied) knowledge to understand how power dynamics dictate the conditions of our work and the art that we make.

We will then learn how we can build our own, communal, power to restructure those conditions on our own terms. The course is open to any worker in Scotland and we welcome the participation of those working across all art forms. The course will be particularly useful to people engaged or interested in community and/or labour organising.

Registration Form

We hope to see you at a future event and please email us with any queries - [email protected]

Kirsten Body & Ben Callaghan

The learning programme is funded through Scottish Union Learning


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