Intersect: an intersectional discussion group
This discussion group has been developed by the union’s Intersectional Sub-group out of a desire to create a space to discuss equalities issues specifically in relation to our own working practices as artists and members of the union. Each session we will look at material together - texts, films, podcasts etc, as a way of opening up conversation about how we can question, challenge and shift our working practices to adopt more inclusive approaches. The group is for all our members, and will take place bi monthly and material for the sessions will be selected together by the group.
Past events include:
29 March 2021 - Executive Committee member Helen de Main selected 'The Tyranny of Structurelessness' by Jo Freeman, which can also be downloaded as a PDF here.
15 June 2021 - In celebration of LGBTQ+ Pride Month, June’s Intersect discussion event focussed on Vivek Shraya’s uplifting lecture/art video 'Next Time There’s a Pandemic'. This lecture/art video is preceded by a delightful Q&A discussion with Vivek Shraya and J.R. Carpenter (artist and writer). Here is the link to watch the video before you join the discussion. Please note: there is a long introduction, because this video was first presented as the 2021 Kreisel Lecture at the University of Alberta, so skip forward because the pre-video Q&A with J.R. Carpenter starts at 6 mins in.
21 September 2021 - In this event we discussed Not Going Back to Normal - a collective disabled artists manifesto created in 2020 by Harry Josephine Giles and Sasha Saben Callaghan.
22 February 2022 - layla-roxanne hill (based in the West of Scotland) in conversation with Star Catherine Feliz (based in Los Angeles) presented by the Climate & Sustainability subgroup and Intersectional subgroup during LGBT+ History Month. More info here.
16 June 2022 - This Intersect discussion focused on 2 short videos by Dean Spade on the subjects of Facilitation for Consensus Decision Making (9 mins) and Building Trust in Groups Using Consensus Decision Making (7 mins). Part of Dean's series of videos - Workshop Series: Building Capacity for Mutual Aid Groups (Dec 2021). Please note: because these were made with a North American audience in mind, the sign language interpreter is using ASL not BSL.
The union has established an Intersectional Sub-group made up of staff, members and Executive Committee members. The group is working together on an Intersectional Inclusion Strategy which is steered and overseen the subgroup. The group will work on collating information, resources and support as well as identifying training for members and executive members in discrimination, bias and privilege in order to adopt a union- wide, intersectional approach to solidarity.
If you'd like to find out more about our next meeting then email [email protected]