Covid Members Update 10 July 2020
This update from the Scottish Government directs businesses to the most up to date information on COVID-19 as we move forward with our economic response.
The Find Business Support website continues to provide details on the assistance available as well as information and advice on how businesses can restart safely through and out of lockdown.
The First Minister gave a statement to Parliament on Thursday where she confirmed that from tomorrow (Friday 10 July) Scotland will gradually move into Phase 3 of easing lockdown restrictions. She also reminded us that face coverings will be mandatory in shops from tomorrow.
A full transcript of the First Minister’s statement is available here.
Finance Secretary Kate Forbes has announced help for homebuyers and employment support as part of her response to the Chancellor’s Summer Economic Update. You can read her full statement to Parliament here.
The weekly statistical update on Coronavirus business support fund grants was published today.
Thousands of expert professional and business services advisers have signed up to offer free online advice to help small businesses bounce back from coronavirus.
The Scottish Government’s route map through and out of lockdown is available here. We are currently in Phase 2.
The Transport Transition Plan has been updated to set out more details, which can be found here.
Safer workplace guidance is released on a sectoral basis and can be found here.
Guidance for businesses looking to offer support for the ongoing effort to tackle the Covid-19 emergency can be found here.
The NHS Inform coronavirus webpage is the fastest way for people to get the latest health advice and information.