Professional Artists & Makers, please help us by filling out this short survey about the availability off affordable studios in Scotland.
Have you taken part in our Affordable Studios Campaign Survey yet??
Even if you don't currently have a studio we would still like to hear from you.
Over the last year we have heard from many of our members that artists' studio rents have become un-affordable, and also that there is a scarcity of studios available in Scotland.
In order to obtain a clearer overall picture of the situation in Scotland we have created a survey so that we can collect information with which to lobby and campaign for better provision of Affordable Studios. The survey will be open for 3 weeks until midnight, Monday 10th June.
You can access the survey by clicking on this link
Alternatively you can access the link via this QR code

The survey is for SAU members and non-members.
In order to mount a coherent campaign that addresses the realities of artists and makers across Scotland, we need to hear from as many artists as we can, so please fill out this survey and please share widely.
All information will be kept confidential with no personal details shared.
N.B. This survey is for professional artists and makers living and working in Scotland. Even if you are not currently renting a studio but would like to, or you have had to give up renting a studio, please complete the relevant questions in this survey. Thank you.
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